The Horn of Africa is in the midst of its most severe drought in 40 years, according to the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 36.4 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are affected, and around 9.5 million livestock have died. It has been particularly devastating for pastoralists, who rely on livestock for their food and income.
LEGS Resources
At LEGS, we believe that appropriate and well-designed livestock-based responses are an important component of saving lives and livelihoods during such crises. Here are some specific LEGS tools and resources that can be helpful during droughts:
- The LEGS Drought Tool
- LEGS Briefing Papers:
- Also, for overall guidance, consult the LEGS Handbook.
LEGS Core Training
If you’re an organisation that’s interested in running a LEGS Core Training Course to increase capacity to support livestock keepers affected by drought and other crises, you can find a local LEGS Trainer on our Accredited In-Person Trainers page or contact LEGS for assistance.