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LEGS training in Panama: A key step in livestock emergency management

By 5th March 2025News

Public sector officials working across six Central American countries took part in the LEGS ToT © Julia Inés Lema Vélez

At the end of January 2025, a LEGS Training of Trainers (ToT) course was successfully conducted in Panama, bringing together a diverse group of professionals dedicated to improving emergency response for livestock-dependent communities. The LEGS ToT course equips participants to train others in the LEGS approach, learning the skills and content required to deliver the LEGS Core Training course.

Organised by Brooke, the course brought together 24 public sector officials working on disaster risk management and livestock policies across six Central American countries. Participants emphasized the critical need for integrating livestock into disaster response. Many shared firsthand experiences of how animals are often overlooked in emergencies, causing unnecessary suffering and economic losses.

The course trainers received highly positive feedback from participants, who praised their expertise, engaging approach, and interactive methodology. In terms of overall satisfaction, most attendees rated the training as ‘very good’ and emphasized the importance of replicating these learnings in their respective countries. Participants, in general, stated that the LEGS ToT course represents a significant step toward better preparedness for livestock-related emergencies in the region, strengthening local capacities and promoting the resilience of livestock-dependent communities.

Interested in running a LEGS training?

LEGS offers a range of training courses – both in person and online – to equip humanitarians and livestock experts with the knowledge and skills to implement livelihoods-based livestock emergency responses. Find out more about our training options via our training overview flyer, or contact us for more information.