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Feed Supply Resources

LEGS is an independent initiative that aims to improve the quality and livelihoods impact of livestock-related projects in humanitarian situations.

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Coping with feed scarcity in smallholder livestock systems in developing countries

Coping with feed scarcity in smallholder livestock systems in developing countries – International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya

[Please note this is a very large file of over 26mb]

Supplementary feeding principles

Supplementary feeding principles – PrimeFact 287. New South Wales Department of Primary Industries

Survival feeding in drought

Survival feeding in drought – PrimeFact 286. New South Wales Department of Primary Industries

Food for Thought: Livestock Feeding Support during Drought

Food for Thought: Livestock Feeding Support during Drought – Policy Brief No. 2, November 2007. Addis Ababa: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University

LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook provides standards and guidelines for appropriate and timely livestock-based livelihoods responses in emergencies, using a participatory and evidence-based approach. The Handbook was produced through a broad consultation process, drawing on good practice worldwide. The LEGS Handbook is a companion to The Sphere Handbook alongside other humanitarian standards which make up the Humanitarian Standards Partnership.

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