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Seeking training design consultants for LEGS mini training modules

By 30th October 2020News

LEGS is commissioning three mini-training modules for use by LEGS Trainers to enhance the LEGS Training resources and process.

The modules will use a ‘hybrid’ design, allowing them to be delivered either face-to-face (F2F) or virtually. Experienced LEGS Trainers will be selected to field test each mini-module, which will then be made available to the LEGS training community. The three topics of the mini-modules will be:

  1. Refresher training on the LEGS Approach
  2. Drought and Climate Change
  3. Gender and Participation

LEGS is therefore seeking training specialists to develop the mini-modules as follows (a consultant may be contracted for more than one role):

Topic Specialists:

Consultant 1: Topic specialist for refresher training

Consultant 2: Topic specialist for drought and climate change

Consultant 3: Topic specialist for gender and participation

Training designers:

Consultant 4: Training designer for F2F methodology for all three modules

Consultant 5: Training designer for virtual methodology for all three modules


For further details and required competencies, please see the TOR.

Interested parties should submit their CV and a brief expression of interest (max 1 page) to the LEGS Finance Manager by 13th November 2020:  The anticipated start date is 30th November 2020.