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Assessment and Response Resources

LEGS aims to improve the quality and livelihoods impact of livestock-related projects in humanitarian situations.

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The Livelihood Assessment Toolkit: Analysing and Responding to the Impact of Disasters on the Livelihoods of People

Working Draft, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and International Labour Organisation, Rome and Geneva

Food Security Assessments in Emergencies: A livelihoods approach

Humanitarian Practice Network Paper 36, Overseas Development Institute

Guidelines for Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters

Benfield Hazard Research Centre, University College London and CARE International, copyright CARE International

Best Practices: Gender and Conflict in Africa

Management Systems International and US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC

HIV/AIDS and Humanitarian Action

HPG Report 16. Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, UK

What can we do with a rights-based approach to development?

ODI Briefing Paper 1993(3) Overseas Development Institute, London


LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook provides standards and guidelines for appropriate and timely livestock-based livelihoods responses in emergencies, using a participatory and evidence-based approach. The Handbook was produced through a broad consultation process, drawing on good practice worldwide. The LEGS Handbook is a companion to The Sphere Handbook alongside other humanitarian standards which make up the Humanitarian Standards Partnership.

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