Une fois que les formateurs LEGS ont dispensé avec succès deux stages de formation LEGS et que les évaluations ont été transmises au projet LEGS, ils sont considérés comme étant pleinement accrédités.
Les coordonnées des formateurs LEGS agréés sont reprises ci-dessous par pays. S’il n’y a aucun formateur basé dans votre pays dans la liste ci-dessous, veuillez contacter l’Administratrice de LEGS qui pourra vous mettre en relation avec des formateurs locaux de LEGS en attente d’accréditation.
Bationo Ange Boris | Burkina Faso | AFRICARE-Burkina | |
Bazié Balili Augustin | Burkina Faso | PRAPS.BF | eizab.balilia@gmail.com |
Boubacar Maiga | Burkina Faso | RECOPA | anastasiedabone@yahoo.fr |
Kima Sophie Agnés | Burkina Faso | DSEP/ DGEAP | soimbouzerbo@yahoo.fr |
Konate Papa Sosthène | Burkina Faso | Intermon Oxfam | ksosthene@intermonoxfam.org |
Kondombo Salam Richard | Burkina Faso | FAO | kondombo.salam@gmail.com |
Loada Sibiri Martin | Burkina Faso | Action Contre la Faim (ACF)-Mission du Burkina Faso | foodsec@bf.missions-acf.org |
Nana Thérèse R.S | Burkina Faso | SP – CVEL | ba.diao.m@gmail.com |
Somé Ansanèkoun Désiré | Burkina Faso | SP-CVEL/ MRAH | kimagnesi@yahoo.fr |
Traore Aliou Badara | Burkina Faso | SP – CVEL | trsnana@hotmail.com |
Yoda Seydou | Burkina Faso | Association Zood Nooma pour le Développement (AZND) | yodaseydou@yahoo.fr |
Paul Ramde | Burkina Faso | PRAPS | paul.ramde@cilss.int |
Bandé – Tiensbande S. Regina | Burkina Faso | PRAPS | crus.dori@gmail.com |
Vokouma Edith | Burkina Faso | CN/ PRAPS | adesiresome@yahoo.fr |
Konkobo Payadéguédé Bernard Ismaël Khalil | Burkina Faso | PRAPS | maty.ba-diao@cilss.int |
Zerbo Soimbou | Burkina Faso | SE – CNSA | reginabande@gmail.com |
Cissé Boubacar | Burkina Faso | CRUS | bolimam@yahoo.fr |
Bambara Tontibomma Ghislain | Burkina Faso | SSRP/ DGEAP/ MRAH | Welyamoud7@gmail.com |
Teleu Ngandeu Emil | Cameroon | Consultant international | teleungandeu@yahoo.com |
Bassanganam Olivier Constantin | CAR | FAO | olbass2000@yahoo.fr |
Alambedji Abba Issa | Chad | FAO | alambedji.abbaissa@fao.org |
Adoum Seid Gamane | Chad | Ministère l’Elevage | adoum.seid@yahoo.fr |
Youssouf Ali Djorkodei | Chad | Ministère de l’Elevage | yadjorkodei@gmail.com |
Birhanu Waka | Ethiopia | Trócaire | birhanuw@cst-together.org |
Melaku Geleta | Ethiopia | Oxfam Canada | meloxcan@ethionet.et |
Tarekegn Tola | Ethiopia | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation | tarekegn.tola@eda.admin.ch tarekegn1975@yahoo.com |
Genene Regassa | Ethiopia | VSF Germany | genene@vsfg.org |
Amanuel Kassie | Ethiopia | CARE – Ethiopia | amanuelkassie@yahoo.com |
Solomon Nega | Ethiopia | FAO | solomonnega@ymail.com |
Kasaye Hadgu | Ethiopia | UN-OCHA | hadgu1@un.org |
Alemayehu Hailemariam Sitotaw | Ethiopia | The Brooke | alemayehuhailemariam@yahoo.com |
Wesinew Adugna Bekele | Ethiopia | VSF-Suisse | wesinewa@gmail.com; wesinew.adugna@vsf-suisse.org |
Mader Zuleka Ismail | Ethiopia | VSF-Suisse | izuleka@yahoo.com |
Mekonnen Weldegebriel Gebremedhn | Ethiopia | Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries | mokeafar@gmail.com |
Astrid de Valon | Kenya | Independent | astriddevalon@gmail.com |
Francis Emoru | Kenya | Trócaire | femoru@trocaire.or.ke |
Leina Mpoke | Kenya | Independent | Mpokeleinas@yahoo.com |
Julius Kajume | Kenya | Independent | jkajume@yahoo.co.uk |
Kamande Njuguna | Kenya | FAO | joseph.njuguna@fao.org |
Rachel Masake | Kenya | VEDAMAN Consultants Ltd | masakera@nbnet.co.ke |
Mike Wekesa | Kenya | Independent | wekesa.mike@yahoo.com |
Nelly Shonko | Kenya | CAFOD | nshonko@cafod.or.ke |
Jurjen Draaijer | Kenya | Independent | draaijer.jurjen@gmail.com |
Miinyan Ngasike John | Kenya | Diocese of Lodwar | miinyanjohn78@live.com |
Simon Kihu | Kenya | Vetworks Eastern Africa | skihu@yahoo.co.uk |
Kisa Juma | Kenya | ALLPRO | kisajuma@yahoo.com |
Erenius Nakadio | Kenya | VSF Germany | ereniusnakadio2001@yahoo.co.uk |
Guido Govoni | Kenya | ICRC | ggovoni@icrc.org |
Henry Mutembei | Kenya | University of Nairobi | hmutembei@uonbi.ac.ke |
Rand Carpenter | Kenya | MCC Kenya | r1carpenter@fastmail.fm |
Mutinda Mutungi | Kenya | SASOL | mungutijm@sasolfoundation.co.ke |
Paul Mutua | Kenya | UDO | paulmutua73@yahoo.com |
Joshua Kitao | Kenya | UDO | jnkaru@gmail.com |
Piers Simpkin | Kenya | Independent | spiersent06@yahoo.co.uk |
Mathias Frese | Kenya | ICRC | mfrese@icrc.org |
Vias Franck Sylvanus Gilles | Mali | VSF-Belgium | g.vias@vsf-belgium.org |
Sériba Tera | Mali | DRPIA | thera_2003@yahoo.fr |
Oumar Diarra | Mali | DRPIA | odiarra82@yahoo.fr |
Harouna Ongoiba | Mali | DRPIA-Koulikro | harounaongoiba@yahoo.fr |
Mansa KEITA | Mali | PRAPS – ML | ymansakeitaprapsc4@gmail.com |
Jennifer Fearon | Mauritania | Independent | fearonjen@gmail.com |
Cheikh Moujtaba | Mauritania | PRAPS | cheikhmoujtaba@gmail.com |
Idoumou Md Sidi Sbayi | Mauritania | INAP-FTP | idoumou.sbayi@yahoo.fr |
Usiel Kadnjii | Namibia | o’ Seu Oningandu Investment cc | kandjiiu@gmail.com |
Mohammed Aly Ag Hamana | Niger | Oxfam GB | MagHamana@oxfam.org.uk |
Bagoudou Maidaji | Niger | FAO | mabagoudou@yahoo.fr |
Dr Boubacar Boubacar | Niger | Ministère de l’élevage, Direction générale des services vétérinaires | drbboubacar@gmail.com |
Dr Ricarda Mondry | Niger | CTB de l’élevage | ricardamondry@yahoo.com |
Halil Amoumoun | Niger | Réseau des organisations pastorales d’Agadez | hamoumoun@yahoo.fr |
Abdourahamane Mahaman | Niger | VSF Belgium | m.abdouramane@vsf-belgium.org |
Boureima Amadou | Niger | Fondation pour le Renforcement des Capacités des Populations | aboureimamadou@gmail.com |
Moctar Karimou | Niger | Mercy Corps | mkarimou@ne.mercycorps.org |
Issaka Dan Dano | Niger | Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium | i.dandano@vsf-belgium.org |
Zoubeirou Mainassara | Niger | Ministère de l’élevage, Direction générale des services vétérinaires | zoubmainass@gmail.com |
Mahaman Bachir ADAMOU IDIGUINI | Niger | CCSAP, Cabinet du Premier Ministre | dridiguini@gmail.com |
Illiassou Boukari | Niger | Direction d’Arrondissement Communal de l’Elevage | b.illiassou@yahoo.fr |
Adeoye Wasiu Adelabu | Nigeria | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | adeade66@yahoo.com |
Okewoye Omotayo | Nigeria | Animal Husbandry Services Dept., FMARD | tayookewoye@gmail.com |
Shuaib Bala Adamu | Nigeria | University of Maiduguri | essbeepot@gmail.com |
Muhammad Modu Bukar | Nigeria | University of Maiduguri | mmbukar@unimaid.edu.ng |
Maty Ba Diao | Senegal | PRAPS | maty.ba-diao@cilss.int |
Abdoulaye Gadio | Senegal | Ministère de l’Élevage | gadioabdoulaye@gmail.com |
Adjaratou Alassane Mbodji | Senegal | Ministère de l’Élevage | adjambodji@hotmail.com |
Fatou Ka | Senegal | Ministère de l’Élevage | fka3150@gmail.com |
Elhadji Ndiaye | Senegal | Ministère de l’Élevage | elhndiaye@gmail.com |
Joan Muchai | Somalia | FAO | joanmuchai@gmail.com |
Sophycate Njue | Somalia | FAO | sophycate@yahoo.com |
Abdulkadir Abdi Mohammed | Somalia | CRLPA | dooli1144@gmail.com |
Khayre Ali Hassan | Somaliland | SOVA | khayre718@gmail.com |
Abdirahman Mohammed Ali | Somaliland | GIZ | abdirahman.mohamali@gmail.com |
Ahmed Yousuf Idiris | Somaliland | GIZ | ahmedcolombus@gmail.com |
Sadia Musse Ahmed | Somaliland | PENHA | sadiama@hotmail.com |
Kwajok Tongun | South Sudan | VSF-Suisse | kwajok.tongun@vsf-suisse.org |
Evaristo Melenje | South Sudan | RuCAPD | malenje2012@gmail.com |
Nada Mirghani | Sudan | European Union | nada253@hotmail.com |
Adam Salih | Sudan | Independent | adamsalih@live.com |
Hanan Yousif | Sudan | Min. of Animal Resources & Fisheries | hananyousifma@hotmail.com |
Faiza Awadelkarim Mohammed Abdalla | Sudan | Ministry of Animal Resources &Fisheries & Range | faawadelkarim@yahoo.co.uk |
Khitma Hassan Mohammed Elmalik | Sudan | University of Khartoum | kelmalik@hotmail.com |
Elmardi Osman Ibrahim Hamad | Sudan |
FAO | Elmardi.ibrahim@fao.org |
Henda Hanafi | Tunisia | Office de l’élevage et des Pâturages | Hendahanafi717@yahoo.fr |
Jammali Kais | Tunisia | Office de l’élevage et des Pâturages | Kais.jammali@hotmail.fr |
Malek Hayder | Tunisia | FAO | malek.hayder@fao.org |
Dr. Edward Okori | Uganda | FAO | edward.okori@fao.org |
Dr. Kasiita Herbert | Uganda | Veterinary Practitioners without Borders Uganda | kasiitacollin@gmail.com |
Okengo Oscar Burton | Uganda | Abim District Local Government | koguth@yahoo.com |
Odreck Sibanda | Zimbabwe | Farmer | odsibanda@yahoo.com |
Frank Chinembiri | Zimbabwe | FAO | frank.chinembiri@fao.org |
Leonard Maposa | Zimbabwe | IRC | leomaposa@yahoo.co.uk |
Elma Zanamwe | Zimbabwe | FAO | elma.zanamwe@fao.org |
Adolf Dube | Zimbabwe | Dept of Livestock | abdube07@yahoo.co.uk |
Einstein Tejada | Bolivia | FAO | Einstein.Tejada@fao.org |
Oscar Jesús Mendoza Luzcúber | Bolivia | FAO | oscarjesus777@hotmail.com |
Vurayayi Pugeni | Canada | MCC Canada | VurayayiPugeni@mcccanada.ca |
Diego Alonso Zuluaga Araque | Colombia | Universidad CES (VERU-CES) | dzuluaga@ces.edu.co |
Juana María Giraldo | Colombia | World Animal Protection | juanamagira@gmail.com |
Julia Inés Lema | Colombia | World Animal Protection | julialemav@gmail.com |
Nathalia Gómez Andrade | Colombia | World Animal Protection | ngomezandrade@gmail.com |
Diego Alexander Hernández Púlido | Colombia | Cruz Roja Colombia – Universidad La Salle | diegoh48@gmail.com |
Edward Andrés Salas Gil | Colombia | Cruz Roja Colombia | edward_salas22@hotmail.com |
Fabio Andrés Mesa Delgado | Colombia | Cruz Roja Colombia | famesad@gmail.com |
Nancy López Umaña | Colombia | Cruz Roja Colombia | nancylopez.vet@gmail.com |
Luis Antonio Molina Carvajal | Costa Rica | National Animal Health Service | lmolina@senasa.go.cr |
Juan Carlos Murillo | Costa Rica | World Animal Protection | jcmurillo@wspala.org |
Carlos Chacon | Costa Rica | World Animal Protection | chacon@wspala.org |
Federico Chaverri Suárez | Costa Rica | Staff Directorate General – Senasa (Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal) | fchaverri@senasa.go.cr |
Sergio Vázquez | Costa Rica | World Animal Protection | svasquez@wspala.org |
Nancy Astorga M. | Costa Rica | UNA Costa Rica | nancyastorga@gmail.com |
Iris Marlene Escobar Aparicio | El Salvador | Red Cross | airismarlene@yahoo.com |
Saskia Carusi | Guatemala | Cooperazione Internazionale | carusi@coop.org |
Cristina Trinidad Ayala Olivares | Honduras | Samaritan´s Purse | cayala@samaritan.org |
Tessie Manoela Chávez Ucles | Honduras | Samaritan´s Purse | tchavez@samaritan.org |
Dailion Robinson-White | Jamaica | Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) | berbiceg2@yahoo.com |
Dr. Sharmine Melville-Edwin | St. Lucia | Ministry of Agriculture. St. Lucia | sharmine.melvilleedwin@govt.lc |
Jonathan Hamrell | USA | OFDA/USAID | jhamrell@ofda.gov |
Christine Jost | USA | OFDA/USAID | cjost@ofda.gov |
Damien Joud | Bangladesh | ACF | damien_joud@yahoo.fr |
S. M. Rajiur Rahman | Bangladesh | Independent Consultant | smrajiurrahman@yahoo.com |
Ashish Sutar | India | World Animal Protection | drashishsutar@gmail.com |
Hansen Thambi Prem | India | World Animal Protection | hansenprem@worldanimalprotection.org.in |
Sushmita Parai | India | Heifer Project India | sushmita.Parai@heifer.org |
Raman Kumar | India | Oxfam International | k.raman.kumar@gmail.com |
H Iskandar Leman | Indonesia | Indonesian Society for Disaster Management | hleman@yahoo.com |
Chasan Ascholani | Indonesia | Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) | c.ascholani@gmail.com |
Sandar Aung | Myanmar | Save the Children | smoon2007@gmail.com |
Zaw Min | Myanmar | Mercy Corps | zmin@mm.mercycorps.org |
Cornelia Heine | Myanmar | Independent | connyheine@gmail.com |
Ram Mani Paudyal | Nepal | Agro Enterprise Center | ramani.paudyal@aec-fncci.org |
Dirga Lamichane | Nepal | AHTCS | dirga_lamichane@yahoo.com |
Zameer Ahmad | Pakistan | CWS/PA | zmrhmd@yahoo.com |
Dr. Ghani Ur Rahman | Pakistan | FAO | ghani.rehman@fao.org |
Qaier Anmar | Pakistan | Plan Pakistan | qaiser.arafatanwar@plan-international.org |
Dr. Muhammad Rasheed | Pakistan | Livestock and Dairy Development | rasheeddr4@gmail.com |
Omar Farook | Pakistan | CARE | omar.farook@hotmail.com |
Loida Valenzuela | Philippines | City Vet Dept, Dumaguete | lmvalenzuela62@yahoo.com |
Lourdes Socorro | Philippines | Provincial Vet Dept, Ilocos Norte | vetdgte@gmail.com |
Dr. Karlo Romano B. Gicana | Philippines | College of Veterinary Medicine University of the Philippines at Los Baños |
karlogicana@gmail.com |
Ian Dacre | Thailand | World Animal Protection | iandacre@wspa-asiapacific.org |
Ong-orn Prasarnphanich | Thailand | Independent | ongornp@hotmail.com; odh2@cdc.gov |
Elodie Guillon | Thailand | World Animal Protection | elodieguillon@wspa-asia.org |
Lerpong Suansang | Thailand | Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation | Nui191@yahoo.com |
Dr. Pranee Panichabhongse | Thailand | Bureau of Disease Control and Veterinary Services Department of Livestock Development Ministry of Agriculture and Co- operatives | praneedld@yahoo.com |
Puree Wasinrapee | Thailand | World Animal Protection | puree28@gmail.com |
Dang Thanh Tung | Vietnam | Dept of Livestock Production, MARD | tung.cn06@yahoo.com.vn |
Pham Thi Kim Dung | Vietnam | Dept of Livestock Production, MARD | kdtd3d@gmail.com |
Pham Van Duy | Vietnam | Dept of Livestock Production, MARD | duy1965@gmail.com |
Ha Cam Tam | Vietnam | World Animal Protection | camtamha@wspa-asia.org |
Fallou Guèye | Italy | FAO | Fallou.Gueye@fao.org, efgueye@gmail.com |
Briac – Warnon Vincent | Switzerland | BRIAC sàrl, consultancy group | vincent@briac-consulting.ch |
M Hamza Hamwie | Syria | Independent Consultant | hamzahamwie@outlook.com |
Maher Al Abrsh | Syria | Syrian Arab Red Crescent | Almaher99a@gmail.com |

Le manuel LEGS
Le manuel LEGS fournit des normes et directives pour des interventions appropriées et opportunes sur les moyens d’existence liés à l’élevage en situation d’urgence, en s’appuyant sur une approche participative et basée sur la preuve. Le manuel a été produit au terme d’un vaste processus de consultation, s’inspirant des bonnes pratiques à travers le monde. Le manuel LEGS a le statut d’associé officiel du manuel Sphère.