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COVID-19 Response


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted lives and livelihoods across the globe, and affected all aspects of development and humanitarian endeavour.

LEGS produced a short Guidance Note in March 2020, which summarises how the LEGS Approach can be applied in the context of the pandemic, both to inform on-going operations and guide preparations for the eventual recovery phase.

Guidance for Emergency Livestock Actions

The global Food Security Cluster Technical Working Group on COVID-19, of which LEGS is a member, produced a document on livestock and COVID-19: Guidance for Emergency Livestock Actions in the Context of COVID-19.

It seeks to provide guidance to all partners and stakeholders, including governments and players along the livestock value chain, in contexts already experiencing or at risk of high levels of acute food insecurity in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus and Humanitarian Response

The Sphere Handbook and the other Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) initiatives, including LEGS, offer guidance on the minimum response all crisis-affected people have the right to expect. They establish what needs to be in place for affected populations to survive and recover with dignity.

Sphere and the HSP produced a short guide: Applying Humanitarian Standards to Fight COVID-19. Sphere has additional guidelines available on this web page: COVID-19 Guidance Based on Humanitarian Standards.

Additional resources include: